Clinical Services
Physical Therapy: Physical therapy services are provided by experienced clinicians who are focused on work injury management. Our goal is to partner with clinicians that utilize an active treatment approach with evidence-based therapeutic procedures to restore and promote optimal function and facilitate return to work (RTW) as quickly and safely as possible.
Occupational Therapy / Certified Hand Therapy: SPNet offers highly skilled occupational therapy and certified hand therapy services that include specialized treatment of hand and upper extremity pathologies. SPNet’s occupational and hand therapy providers deliver evidence-based treatment interventions based on the specific diagnosis, job demands and rehabilitative needs of the patient with a focus on restoration of optimal function.
Aquatic Therapy: SPNet offers provider locations with access to aquatic therapy. These programs incorporate the properties of water to positively impact movement, strength and function with substantially less compressive forces than other types of exercise. SPNet offers aquatic therapy techniques that are designed to move against the buoyancy of water to facilitate exercise by making movement easier and less painful, building on water’s natural resistance to improve quality and strength of movement.
Balance/Vestibular Programs: SPNet provides expertise in vestibular rehabilitation. These programs are designed to assist those suffering from dizziness, vertigo, imbalance and other inner ear disorders. Vestibular rehabilitation is a conservative, non-invasive and drug-free option for combating dizziness and balance difficulties. A clinician will develop an individualized treatment plan that includes exercises to strengthen posture, gait and components of the vestibular system.
Functional Capacity Evaluations: SPNet offers a broad network of clinicians with specialized training in Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE). This evaluative process provides an objective and comprehensive assessment of strength, endurance, physical demand work level and positional tolerance. The data gathered through this evaluation objectively defines the injured employee’s physical capabilities and ability to perform essential work functions.
Work Hardening: Work Hardening includes multidisciplinary return-to-work services that address physical, functional, behavioral and vocational needs with an interdisciplinary team approach. Work Hardening programs use real or simulated work activities to address the issue of productivity, safety, physical tolerances and work behaviors with the goal of returning the injured employee to work.
Work Conditioning/Physical Reconditioning: Work Conditioning programs utilize physical conditioning and job-related functional activities to achieve return to work goals. The objective of this program is to restore the injured employee’s physical health and function to the pre-injury level so the patient can improve overall work tolerance, improve employability and return to a work.
To ensure that appropriate services are delivered to meet patient needs, SPNet’s clinical team reviews orders for Work Conditioning/Work Hardening programs and make recommendations regarding appropriateness of service requests, patient eligibility and provider qualifications.
Injury Prevention Services: SPNet can also offer a comprehensive selection of services focusing on injury prevention, training and education thru a variety of programs including:
- Ergonomics
- Work Risk Analysis
- Job-Site Analysis
- On-Site Rehabilitation